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Varias razones de .... ¿Por qué esterilizar a tu gato?

Several reasons for .... Why sterilize your cat?

Several reasons for .... Why sterilize your cat?

¿Sterilize your cat? In this post we leave you several reasons why it is advisable to neuter / sterilize your cat.

First, in all probability will have a longer life and healthy sincesterilize it chances of getting infections of the uterus and breast cancer in females and testicular cancer in males are reduced.

Their behaviour it will be better. Thesterilized cats By not going through times of heat, they will not mark the house with urine and in the same way, they will not tend to run away from home, contributing to being more comfortable with the company of their owners. Continuous and untimely meowing at the perception of a cat in heat will also be avoided.

With the sterilization I know avoid also accidents and fights : Unneutered males run away in search of female cats in heat and this can bring them problems in the form of injuries when fighting with other cats. They are also more likely to be hit by vehicles on public roads.

One of the most important points is that you collaborate in the non-proliferation of stray and abandoned animals on the street. There are too many unwanted animals that end up in shelters or abandoned, causing animal shelters to be overwhelmed. The best way to help them is to sterilize your cat.

If you have doubts because sterilization makes your pet fat, we will tell you that this is not the case, at least as the main reason. The neutered cats tend to gain weight However, the main reasons are due to leading a more sedentary life at home as well as by supplying them with excessive food rations. If our cat does regular exercise and we collaborate playing with it, we will help it not to gain kilos. It is important to know that we will have to take more care of your diet by supplyingfeed for sterilized cats.

As you can see, there are many advantages of sterilizing our cat, both for us and for him. Be responsible and if you really love your pet Sterilize it! 


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