Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores
Febrero... un mes malo para el huerto... ¿o no?

February... a bad month for the garden... or not?

February... a bad month for the garden... or not?

February seems like another month of winter... but it's planting time! . Spring is already beginning to be seen on the horizon and tomatoes, peppers, or garlic appear on the scene to help us eat healthier. Although it is true that sometimes we will need to plant indoors, during the month of March we can already consider doing it in our garden. Other crops such as potato, carrot or peas can already be planted normally.

But... to obtain good fruit it is necessary to prepare the land , eliminating weeds and preparing the ground. If you prepare the base correctly you will see your production increased, that is why you must use the correct fertilizer.

The correct fertilizer to obtain an optimal harvest must be of the organic type, in such a way that it guarantees maximum splendor and contributes to pests having a lower incidence in the crop.

In addition to the crops mentioned, in February we can plant spring-flowering bulbous species such as anemones or buttercups, daisies, primulas or alhelies; Trees, fruit, deciduous or coniferous and rose bushes also have their defined space, as far as planting is concerned, during this winter month.

At the level of care and continuing with the path started during the month of January, we must continue with the pruning and transplanting work, which is also appropriate for this time of year. If you have climbers, take advantage of new guides and tying!

We hope that this little post will help you get through this month of February and encourage you to cultivate. Until the next post!

Mida Commercial Advice: The most appropriate crops for this month, in our opinion, are escarole, strawberries and lettuce.

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