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Cómo alimentar a un perro abandonado

If you feed an abandoned dog... Pay attention!

If you feed an abandoned dog... Pay attention!

If we see a dog with little weight on the street, we probably think that offering it plenty of food will make it feel better and therefore restore its health. We are convinced that this little post can help you recover a malnourished dog and dismantle erroneous beliefs that we may have.

Unfortunately, we often come across abandoned dogs on the street and we try to help them by feeding them in a way that offers them a large amount of feed or food, believing that this will quickly recover from their hunger and poor physical condition.

We regret to inform you that overfeeding a dying animal is a very serious mistake. Whyé?

Well the answer is very simple. Any dog that is not used to getting food regularly can suffer enormous problems if we give it too much food, since its stomach is not used to that type of intake. Problems such as excessive variations in phosphorus and potassium levels can cause a severe internal disorder.


¿How long does it take for a dog to become malnourished??

It is difficult to indicate exactly the period that elapses from when an animal stops eating until it reaches a state of effective malnutrition. We can consider various factors such as how long he has not eaten, the amount of food eaten or what type of intake he has made...

They are uncontrollable parameters and difficult to detect with the naked eye. If the animal has been able to eat something, logically, it will burn its reserves more slowly and it will take longer to reach a high degree of malnutrition.


¿How then do we feed a malnourished animal?

If you want to help them in their recovery, you should feed them several times during the same day, approximately 4 times. The best option is to administer a high-protein feed and fats that allow you to start an ideal recovery process. You can also give them pâtés or special wet food in cans.

The main brands offer foods for convalescent states that contain an extra caloric intake. The most recommended indicated foods for these cases areMousse PURINA PRO PLAN VETERINARY DIETS CANINE & FELINE CN 195gor thehigh energy feedLegend Original X-Treme 5000k

These highly digestible wet foods have been created by veterinarians for dogs and cats in advanced stages of malnutrition to help them recover lost energy and calories. They are ideal foods to help in the recovery of malnourished pets.

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