By definition, the agricultural sector is highly dependent on weather factors for profit and thus maximum profitability. We often find ourselves with inclement weather that prevents the harvest or seriously deteriorates it, causing substantial losses to farmers.
For a few years, mainly in the fruit crops and vineyards , are being used anti-frost candles containing a wax compoundpurified paraffin and are designed to combat the intense cold produced when the air temperature drops below 0C.
Combustion of this compound does not produce smoke screens and is respectful of the environment by raising the temperature in the vicinity of the crops and preventing the formation of extracellular ice within the plant tissue, which causes water to escape and damages its cells. by dehydration.
The installation of frost candles It is highly recommended in times of early flowering in order to prevent the harvest from being ruined by low temperatures with the formation of ice. Likewise, this system represents a viable alternative to the traditional burning of straw that entails a greater environmental impact and a high cost for the health of the workers due to the clouds of smoke that emanate.
The great advantage of these anti-frost candles is that, unlike the aforementioned bales of straw, they can be stopped at any time and reused on successive occasions, although their duration is extended to ten or twelve hours on average.
At an economic level, as it does not require any type of installation or application system, its cost is lower than the rest of the options for physical combat against low temperatures.
The method of placementanti-frost candle It will depend on the intensity of the frost, the crop and its plantation framework as well as the orography of the land. Its placement in zig-zag is recommended.
I knowIt is advisable to place several candles in the direction of the wind to minimize the impact of temperatures.
The approximate number of boats per hectare is as follows:
It is not necessary to light all the candles at the same time, if the temperature in the hectare itself remains above 0 degrees.
We are Official Distributors of Stop-Ice Candles ofAdiego Brothers S.A.for Galicia, Castilla y León, Asturias, Cantabria and Portugal.
For more information,contact us or visit the
Gracias y un saludo.